Categories Ian Wright

Ian Wright ‘almost lost his life’ in a terrifying car accident while on his way to MOTD, as he remembers the incident – Mirror Online

The experience has altered Wright’s perspective on driving in the rain. When asked about the incident, Wright recounted, “So we’re driving and [the driver] hit the brakes. He must be doing 60 or 70 [miles per hour] – the car’s aquaplaned, it’s hit the central reservation, spun around and we’re facing that way [into oncoming traffic].

That’s enough to frighten ya.” MOTD viewers were shocked by the close call, yet Wright remained focused on his work, proceeding with his journey and making it to the recording of that evening’s episode on time. He expressed his gratitude to his driver and the emergency services for their assistance, emphasizing the need for caution on wet roads.

Despite the alarming incident, Wright maintained his positive attitude. However, his claim of a ‘near-death’ experience was met with skepticism from his colleague Keane, who reassured him that airbags would have protected him. In response, Wright pointed out that there were no airbags in the back of his car, prompting playful banter between the two.

The photos of the aftermath of the accident appeared to validate the severity of the situation, but Wright remained resilient. Keane’s light-hearted skepticism and Wright’s upbeat demeanor kept the atmosphere lighthearted despite the seriousness of the incident.

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