David Raya dismisses theory of ‘nerves’ despite mistake in North London derby – Mirror Online

Raya, when asked about his feelings towards the pressure of the title race, expressed his enthusiasm for challenges and stated that he does not feel daunted by pressure. He views pressure as an opportunity to demonstrate his capabilities and is thoroughly enjoying the challenge. He emphasized the significance of winning the North London derby and acknowledged its importance to the fans, club and players. The Spain international highlighted his expertise in playing out from the back and acknowledged that his mistake during the Spurs game was uncharacteristic.

However, he focused on the character he demonstrated after the mistake, noting that it is essential to learn from mistakes in football. Raya spoke about his mental strength and determination to bounce back after the mistake, as well as the team’s collective effort to defend and regain control of the game. He emphasized the importance of belief in themselves and their game plan, despite the challenges posed by tough opponents in away games in the Premier League. Reflecting on the match against Tottenham, Raya acknowledged the pressing ability of the opposition and admitted that the mistake he made revealed their proficiency at pressing.

He emphasized the need to focus on their upcoming game against Bournemouth, learn from their mistakes and continue building momentum. Raya emphasized the importance of focusing on their own performance and not getting distracted by other teams. Raya also mentioned the importance of community members and highlighted special offers, promotions, and advertisements available as part of their community.

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