Categories Football Player

Millionaire Premier League player ordered to pay small sum to ex-partner and their child.

The issue at hand is a tumultuous relationship between a football player and his ex-girlfriend, entangled in conflicts regarding their child’s paternity and support. The ex-girlfriend faced financial difficulties while the player flaunted a lavish lifestyle, attending extravagant parties and holidays with other women. The relationship’s bitterness has escalated to the point where the ex-girlfriend sought legal protection, obtaining a non-molestation court order against the player.

During their teenage years, the couple began dating, but their relationship deteriorated, leading to contentious circumstances. The player initially contested his paternity and neglected the ex-girlfriend during her pregnancy. He attempted to persuade her to have an abortion and subsequently abandoned her when she declined.

Financially destitute, the ex-girlfriend struggled for months, while the player engaged with at least one other woman. Only after a DNA test confirmed his paternity did he commence child support payments, when the baby was already eight months old. The player’s involvement in his child’s life has been minimal, with just one reported visitation.

Furthermore, he allegedly obstructed efforts by the Department for Work and Pensions to establish paternity, prompting the ex-girlfriend’s involvement of her local MP. The MP reported the player’s initial denial of paternity and delaying of DNA testing, along with providing misleading name details and withholding accurate income information. Eventually, his substantial income and extravagant expenditures were revealed during the court proceedings, resulting in a court-ordered child support payment of £1,280, which the ex-girlfriend’s friend deemed inadequate given the player’s substantial earnings.

The ex-girlfriend now relies on assistance from friends and family while striving to return to work, as the court-ordered support fails to cover childcare expenses. Meanwhile, the player continues to live luxuriously, aggravating the imbalance in their circumstances.

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